Finding the right preschool for your eczema child can be a challenge – you wonder about whether the teachers have the time to ‘monitor’ and help to control your child’s scratching, and you worry about possible triggers at the preschool.
National Eczema Association – Eczema Warriors
For the past two blog posts, I have shared the articles that I wrote for National Eczema Association (US) about survival tips when caring for your eczema baby and another on getting through the darkest moments of parenting an eczema baby. These articles are part of the stories that were shared by eczema warriors from all over the world at NEA website.
Another article that I have shared on NEA is about finding the right preschool for your eczema child.

- Inform the school of your child’s eczema
- Visit the school before making a decision
- Ask about the class sizes—the smaller, the better
- Watch the teachers and students interact
- Ask about their experience with eczema kids
- Make sure the preschool is a NO BULLYING zone
- Volunteer to raise awareness around eczema
- Sign up for a trial run with the preschool
If your child has eczema, it is possible that they may be teased or feel embarrassed by the appearance of their skin. Preschools that take bullying seriously will be mindful about creating a respectful environment not just between the students and the teachers, but also among the children themselves.
I know that it is not easy to find a preschool that you can trust with your child. Sometimes it takes a leap of faith, but you can always exercise judgment and due diligence. Once you have committed to it, work with the preschool on the right environment instead of working against them through fault-finding. We know that it is not easy to care for a child with eczema, and it would be even harder for the preschool teachers who have many more children to take care.
If you are a parent of eczema child, please read the comments on our support group page where hundreds of parents have shared their greatest challenges and best parenting moments in caring for their child.