Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – Plush Toy Choice

eczema plush toy dust mite
Another inspiration from Barney!

Plush toys are hosts for house dust mites though, wash them in 60 deg C or freeze them! Read doctors’ tips.

This is the 22nd of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.

Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – Multi-Tasking

eczema cartoon moms
Just a thought..inspiration from Barney, the best toy I’ve invested in

This is the 21st of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.

Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – Devices and Dinner

Eczema distraction devices
iPad is great for occupying fingers, but not too much!

iPad can be useful, read this post on its cons though, not all pros for sure. And parenting tips on distracting scratching.

This is the 20th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.

Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – Reading

Finger Tracing IS a GOOD WAY to keep fingers off scratching eczema!
Finger Tracing IS a GOOD WAY to keep fingers off scratching eczema!

This is the 19th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.

Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – Scooting, No Scratching

Eczema Sports Scooter
Did this really happen to anyone?

This is the 18th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.

Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – Swimming After-Rush

I hope I don't look like a crazy mom charging my eczema daughter to shower after swimming!
I hope I don’t look like a crazy mom charging my eczema daughter to shower after swimming!

Swimming is good for eczema though, more on swimming here.

This is the 17th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.

Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – Swimming

I hope that's not why my eczema toddler is happy in the pool!
I hope that’s not why my eczema toddler is happy in the pool!

This is the 16th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.

Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – Sleep

Sleep is needed! for babies, toddlers and moms (and of course, dads too)! eczema or not..
Sleep is needed! for babies, toddlers and moms (and of course, dads too)!
eczema or not..

This completes the mini Life Lesson series for Eczema Girl, hope you all like it! Do drop a comment if you do, some days I wonder if anyone’s day is brightened by my cartoon, thanks!

Oh, and before I forget, the brain needs sleep to clear toxins, heard over BBC and here’s the news on it.

For other life lessons, see thisthis and this.

This is the 15th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.

Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – Lost

Puzzling thought to the Eczema Girl - Is getting lost in puzzles part of life? or a life lesson? Mind Boggling!
Puzzling thought to the Eczema Girl – Is getting lost in puzzles part of life? or a life lesson?
Mind Boggling!

I’m really into life lessons.. maybe I’m having midlife crisis myself! For more life lessons cartoons, see this, this.

This is the 14th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.

Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – Lesson from Playdoh

Whose child is a deep thinker like Eczema Girl?
Whose child is a deep thinker like Eczema Girl?

I’m a little inspired about life lessons from child’s play, which explains last week and today’s cartoon, as well as the next few! Which also reminds me of this bible verse: Isaiah 64:8 ‘But now, O LORD, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand.’

This is the 13th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.

Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – Life Lesson

Eczema Cartoon
Pretty profound yeah?

This is the 12th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.

Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – Tough Girl, Tough Fingers

Any similarity to actual event is pure coincidence lol
Any similarity to actual event is pure coincidence lol

This girl with eczema has very tough fingers! Anyone child has? My daughter saw me drawing this and asked what it is about, then I asked her if her fingers are strong, she said ‘VERY HARD’. lol

This is the 11th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.

Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – Man-Up boys

I think my girl's threshold for pain is pretty high, anyone thinks it has anything to do with the scratching?
I think my girl’s threshold for pain is pretty high, anyone thinks it has anything to do with the scratching?

This is a cartoon, not a depiction of real-life by the way, and I wouldn’t know what my girl is thinking about boys.

This is the 10th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.


Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – Toddler Snack Conversation

Eczema Girl's FIRST PLAY DATE - Conversation with the boys
Eczema Girl’s FIRST PLAY DATE – Conversation with the boys

Ever wondered what our focus on foods, health, allergic diseases will impact our babies?

This is the 9th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.

Eczema Life Cartoon

Eczema Cartoonist Mom on Break

I wish I'm really on a break, but no... not really!
I wish I’m really on a break, but no… not really!

I’m away, but not on break.. work work work. I could have drawn up a cartoon for Life of Eczema Girl and scheduled it, but no, I’m thinking since I’m not having a break, I might as well take one off Monday cartoon!

It got me thinking though, not only am I away but not on holiday break, I’m also having to worry about dozens of stuff which tell me if you think the same!

Thoughts on Toddler:

1. What can I do to pre-pack her school bag? What about her show-and-tell? And the lantern and mooncake she has to bring for Mid-Autumn Festival? (for those of you not familiar, check this Chinese’s festival out!)

2. What about her eczema… not much I can do but I’m sure my hubby is more than competent to deal with any flare-up, and good luck to the co-sleeping!

Thoughts on Hubby:

1. His dinner, lunch, dinner, lunch… my latest ‘act of love’ is to prep lunch for my hubby, on top of cooking daily!

Thoughts on Chores:

1. Wash clothes now, get ready school uniforms, heck with the cleaning

Thoughts on You: Anyone miss me? Hope so, won’t be gone for long though, just long enough to take a Monday cartoon break.

Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – The Kind of Mom I Want to Be

See Life of Eczema Girl cartoon 7 to catch the joke!
See Life of Eczema Girl cartoon 7 to catch the joke!

See the 7th cartoon and you’ll see why the baby eczema girl is already thinking of the kind of mom she wants to be! This is another cartoon that is inspired by Liza Donnelly’s book – see my right side banner of her fab cartoon book!

Eczema Life Cartoon

Eczema Cartoonist Mom – Tech Issue

A disruption, pause, temporarily interrupted (how else can you call a failure) in the cartoon series due to technical issue
A disruption, pause, temporarily interrupted (how else can you call a failure) in the cartoon series due to technical issue

Oops, experiencing technical failure, check back next week for the 8th ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’ cartoon series.

Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – Baby’s view of Mommy

Eczema Baby Says 'What does Mommy look like? I never see her face!'
Eczema Baby Says ‘What does Mommy look like? I never see her face!’

Self-explanatory cartoon and for those of us who clean and clean, we need to Stop. Check out this post on dust mite, if there’s no allergy, just regular cleaning will do, show our face to our babies 🙂

This is the 7th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.

Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – Night Scheduled Milk Feeding

Night Milk Feeding Eczema Baby
What’s going on during those night feeding?

I don’t know about you, but I struggled so much with milk feeding – from (my own lack of) breast milk, to switching from normal to partially hydrolysed milk, to reflux, to changing milk bottles, gosh… thinking back it’s NIGHTMARISH.

I do think if I’d to start over, one change I’d make is forget about scheduled feeding, my baby and I just need to sleep. Also, later I read it’s better to feed as and when the baby is hungry, but who knows the right way, just take heart that this phase will pass!

The lead eczema girl from last week is at the top left of this cartoon, and fyi, 20% of children have eczema, those who have (I suppose) have a darker world, hotter, crankier…well, we all have to go through life no matter what, we’ll see how it works out for our little eczema girl.

This is the 6th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.

Eczema Life Cartoon

Life of Eczema Girl – Newborn Babies (Inspired by Liza Donnelly)

Newborn Eczema Babies room - Inspired by New Yorker Cartoonist Liza Donnelly, from her book 'When do they Serve the Wine?'
Newborn Eczema Babies room – Inspired by New Yorker Cartoonist Liza Donnelly, from her book ‘When do they Serve the Wine?’

Half a year or so ago (who’s counting when you read cartoons), I came across the cartoon book ‘When do they Serve the Wine?‘, by New Yorker cartoonist Liza Donnelly. I instantly fell in love with it. This cartoon is inspired by Liza’s cartoon, where she drew about the baby boys being on one side and the baby girls on the other.

The lead eczema girl from last week is at the top left of this cartoon, and fyi, 20% of children have eczema, those who have (I suppose) have a darker world, hotter, crankier…well, we all have to go through life no matter what, we’ll see how it works out for our little eczema girl.

This is the 5th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.