Here are some crossword and word search to help your child with eczema learn more about the skin condition in a fun way!
Learn about Skin

Clues (Across)
3. Act of applying lotion or cream on your skin
6. What shower (temperature) should I NOT take because it dries my skin?
7. Should you moisturize daily or weekly?
8. Name of cream I should apply when I go into the sun
10. Name of the thick cream you apply, the thicker the cream, the longer it last
11. What is a function of our skin – against chemicals and harmful substances (start with P)
12. What should you NOT do when wiping yourself dry with a towel? (Clue: opposite of pat dry)
13. Will scratching damage our skin?
Clues (Down)
1. Name of liquid I produce that sometimes make me feel itchy
2. What part of me should I keep it trimmed and short to limit skin damage if I scratch?
4. The time frame when you should moisturize after shower
5. Name of the watery liquid you apply on your skin
8. Are long or short showers better for me?
9. What is the body organ that covers our body?
11. What ingredient should I avoid? (Clue: Smells nice!)
You also have the option of downloading the pdf and if you need help with the answers, click here.
I hope you like this crossword and that it is a tool for your child with eczema to learn about his/her skin and how to protect it!
Skin Facts for Eczema Kid

- Skin
- Organ
- Epidermis
- Sweat
- Protect
- Smooth
- Moisture
- Barrier
- Dermis
- Oil
- Dry
- Renew
- Sunburn
To print out the pdf, click here and read these skin facts series to learn more about our skin, and our baby skin and eczema skin are different.
- Facts about our Skin versus Baby and Eczema Skin
- Sun protection in adults, infants and Eczema Skin
- Water loss from Children and Eczema Skin
- How much we sweat versus infants
- Chemicals Penetrate via Baby Skin
- Lipids in Baby and Eczema Skin
- Skin Renewal in Baby and Eczema Skin
I Can Shower Right

Clues (Across)
1. Should I pat myself completely dry after shower?
3. What temperature water should I not use during shower?
6. How many minutes after shower should I moisturize? (Ideally: It’s immediate, but dermatologist’s rule is _ minutes)
8. What item should I not use on my skin to wash myself? 11. How many minutes should I shower? Too long shower dries the skin!
12. Meaning: Not harsh. Be sure not to use harsh cleanser for your shower!
Clues (Down)
2. What plant can be made into a bath oil for your skin?
4. How often do I shower in a day?
5. What I use to clean my hair
7. Showering too many times is _ _ _ _ _ _ to the skin
9. The gentle action that you can take dry the skin after shower, using a towel
10. What can I use on my skin during shower to make it smoother? Bath _ _ _
You also have the option of downloading the pdf and if you need help with the answers, click here.
Learning to shower right is very important, think of many times you shower in a year!
More on showering in the following posts:
- Q&A with Dr Jennifer Shu – Bathing for Eczema Babies
- How to Shower your Eczema Child
- Video: How to Shower Eczema Baby
- Eczema Cure series: Do Baths Matter
- Eczema News – Use of Bath Oil for Eczema
Things Bad for Skin

Print out the pdf and go through with your child what’s bad for eczema skin!
Good Eczema Skincare

Click pdf for printout as well as the answer sheet. Check out the many videos on good skincare Sun Protection for Kids, How to Shower Baby &How to Moisturize.