It is the end of February, and for some of us, two months may already seem like a long year – factor in many sleepless nights (of tending to itchy or bleeding eczema) and many waking hours of constant stress and attention needed to care for a severe eczema baby. I always say that although eczema has turned out to be a blessing for my family, it is a trying condition that I won’t wish on anybody’s child. Medically, we are still some way from primary prevention (ie to prevent eczema in the newborn) and from treating the cause. Good thing is for most cases of eczema, current treatment methods do control eczema well. There are, however, still some children with persistent, severe eczema and I can’t imagine how deflated these parents feel when despite trying everything, nothing works – it is certainly trying!
Is it possible to have joy in a family with severe eczema baby? We can draw inspiration from apostle Paul who in prison undergoing trials (after trials), he wrote in Philippians 4 -6 ‘Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.’ I do pray that all eczema families can find joy and strength, and even if you do not believe in (Christian) God, praying as a family may give you hope and strength to tackle eczema with a positive attitude.
Bible verse:
Romans 12:12: Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
Dear God, I pray that you help our children’s eczema. If the eczema persist in being severe, I pray that as a family we can find the joy and strength to go through this trying time.
God Journeys with You