This is the fifteenth of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
This is the fifteenth of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
This is the fourteenth of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
This is the thirteenth of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
2 hours later, at 1 a.m.
Hi! Last night was such a major milestone that I had to update you all; my baby Marcie spent the first night sleeping by herself in her cot! If you’ve seen my previous posts (here and here), you’d know that I’ve been co-sleeping with my baby. But for the past month, I’ve had a bad cough and Marcie sleeping on me made it worse. Last night, we cleared the clutter in her cot, vacuumed her mattress and resolved to regain our bodies (and sanity) at night.
p.s. noticed that in my dream, I’m slim and wearing shades – both which I’m not and can’t in reality. Reality – Co-sleeping with my child, getting fat.
This is the twelveth of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
This is the eleventh of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
I’m guilty of this – Not having the time, not having the mood, getting too pre-occupied with my baby and her eczema and the housework to display affection to my hubby. I created this design for my friend for her marriage vow and this picture of enjoying a drink with my hubby and soaking in his love suddenly hit me today, because I never do it. Parents with eczema children have a tougher time, I’ve even written a post on it here, but maybe you shouldn’t read but take the few seconds to give your spouse a hug!
This is the tenth of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
This is the ninth of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
This is the eighth of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
I remembered that detergent was one area which I received lots of ‘advice’ on, especially when Marcie’s skin was very bad about 7 months old. It’s frustrating, and that’s one of the reason I’ve set up the support group because only parents with eczema children go through all the other stuff that comes with eczema flares.
This is the seventh of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
At the first consultation, Marcie’s doctor Prof Hugo Van Bever of NUH asked if someone in the family has eczema. I started tracing the family tree, and the eczema gene seemed to be mutating more powerfully (as you can see in the family tree, we could only trace to my mother-in-law who only recalled she had mild itchiness when she’s 20 year old. My husband only had localized eczema, and his brother had quite a severe case. Marcie’s eczema is quite bad before she went on the one-time oral steroid course.)
So, you know why I’m even more fearful of having a second child as I’m always thinking that the gene is mutating powerfully. Read this post on sibling eczema.
This is the sixth of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
A gentle note to all moms of eczema and allergy kids, especially those with an allergy to dust mites, don’t kill yourself over the cleaning… as advised by Prof Hugo Van Bever at sneezywheezy.com’s playgroup on Aug 24th, a thin bamboo mattress is best and sunning the pillows and mattress regularly helps to reduce dust mites. Don’t spend too much money on vacuum cleaners, make the home as less attractive for dust mite as possible by not having thick beds or thick curtains. Btw, construction dust is not dust mite as dust mite has to live around people.
This is the fifth of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
For Monthly Expenses, it cost more for…
S$20+ for 2 x S$10+ more for hypoallergenic formula
S$93+ for S$38 for Physiogel AI 50ml, S$34 for Physiogel lotion 200ml and S$21 for QV lotion 500ml
S$30+ for oatmeal bath oil and cradle cap shampoo
S$50+ for higher electricity bill
S$30+ for air-con servicing (S$100/time and servicing every 3 months)
S$30+ for doctor’s consultation and prescription (S$100-S$200/time and appointment every 6 months)
S$253 increase in monthly budget!
This is the fourth of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
The Complexity of Packing Eczema Child’s Bag
When It Comes to Packing Baby Bag
#1 – Ice (to cool the water and if necessary, for baby to play with to keep her fingers busy)
#2 – Water bottle with cool water + water bottle with normal water
#3 – Juice
#4 – 3 types of finger food to keep fingers busy – husks, fish crackers and grapes/cherries
#4 – Diapers, diaper changing mat, trash bag, baby wipes + one toy to keep fingers busy to prevent scratching when changing diaper
#5 – Tissue Paper
#6 – Fan to keep baby cool + can be used as distraction since baby likes to ‘catch the fan’
#7 – Antiseptic lotion, for use before applying steroid or just cleaning the baby from possible irritant
#8 – Moisturiser
#9 – Shoes, when baby is cranky and scratches, got to quickly wear her shoes for her to walk around
#10 – A Mom who has the strength to carry the heavy bag
This is the third of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
When It is Bedtime
Eczema Mom is the bed, pillow and bolster for baby. Hubby has long been sleeping (gladly?) in the study room. Eczema Mom is wondering when baby will wake up scratching and how long it will take to comfort baby back to sleep… another long night with poor sleep lies ahead.
This is the second of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
Hi there! This is the first of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. I’m excited about this cartoon series, as it injects some humor into this blog (and my life) and allows me to do some cartooning!