I’ve been reading up on food (Dr David Katz’ Disease Proof) and distilled the main points in the above infographic. I started being aware of what I eat when I set out to ‘worship God with my body/strength’ and I thought how to have strength without the right foods. Eczema/not, allergy/not, what we put on our plate matters to our body and the DECISION IS YOURS to make!
Bible verse:
Mark 12:30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength
God, it’s not easy to eat right all the time!
Takeaway is easy, fast food is fast.
Busy mom and dad, one meal doesn’t kill right?
Help us though to love you God, love the body we have,
love our spouse, our kid,
love enough to make it a point to eat healthy,
putting nutrition NOT junk in our mouth.
Bon Appetit, Lord!
Noone can Force-Feed us, it’s Our Responsibility