MarcieMom was interviewed on her daily life with Marcie here (for a fellow mom’s business whose daughter Patricia also had eczema). Thought it’d be good to share with everyone her routine and the ‘quirks’ of taking care of an eczema child.
I wake up around 7am and get Marcie ready for the school bus. Our mornings in the week always involve applying lots of moisturiser and sometimes it can be a struggle but the afternoon on weekdays are my breather because I work while Marcie is in preschool.

At the weekend, our afternoons are for finishing up homework and then going for a quick shower to freshen up and clean off sweat residue to help Marcie cool down in the hot Singapore weather, followed by moisturising with an intensive cream. We always use a thicker cream in the afternoon as the next time we moisturise Marcie will be bedtime, which can be quite a few hours away!
When it comes to the weekend evening, we take her swimming to kill the staph bacteria. When her eczema is itchy we use lots of different techniques to distract and keep her happy which I wrote about in this post. My favourite is always letting her play with ice. This is because it’s free of charge – and easy to wipe up! Now that Marcie is older, she doesn’t play with ice as much but we always order ice water for her still.

One advice
My advice to other parents who have a child who suffers with Eczema, is to stick with your spouse as both of you will be pillars of support for each other and to have faith. Also, take time to relax and never blame yourself.
What is your day like? Share in the comments!