Know the phrase ‘Food for Thought’? It means something worth thinking about seriously. For myself, I do think about anti-inflammatory foods (see Julie Daniluk’s recipes and Jennifer Iserloh’s recipes) and here are 3 foods I’d go for:
1. Oily fish for Omega 3 essential fatty acids. Omega 3 is not only a brain food (see Dr Sears’ talk), but also one of the very few foods that have been studied to improve eczema. Don’t like that fishy smell? Go for a good quality fish oil supplement or flax seed oil.
2. Yoghurt/ Probiotics – Probiotics is the other ‘food’ that is studied to improve eczema (read here). As to how probiotics/yoghurt works for the skin, the mechanism is not entirely clear but may got to do with improving the gut flora also improves the skin flora. Since ‘bad’ bacteria can tip the scales and leads to skin inflammation and reduced efficacy of eczema treatment, adding good bacteria regularly makes sense. However, the dosage studied to be effective is fairly high, in 10 billion CFU – so I’m not sure if regular yoghurt has that.
3. Broccoli/Cauliflower – I’m fortunate that my daughter loves this superfood vegetable! It is a brain food because it has choline and vitamin B, both good for brain development. Also, it is an anti-inflammatory food with beta carotene, vitamin A and C. It reduces allergic reaction and also help skin repair.
Jesus is also big on food. Jesus feeds 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish in Matthew 14:13-21. God feeds the Israelites for 40 years with a bread from heaven, known as manna. Manna is like coriander seed, baked wafer with honey. Whatever manna is, I’m sure it has all the nutrition needed since it is the only food source in the dessert! I love it when there’s so much healthy food we have access to and for parents with eczema kids, make sure your child is really tested allergic to a certain food before removing the suspected food from child’s diet. Read this eczema research focus news on link between eczema and allergy.
Bible verse:
John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
Trust God to be your food and for your food