I’m with all of you in this. My first visit to the dentist after caring for my daughter as a full-time stay-at-home mom, my dentist for the first time in my life said ‘You have dirty teeth. Period.’ I’m thinking, WHAT? Caring for my daughter with eczema had obviously limited my brushing teeth time, along with toilet time and sleep time. Cuddle, hug, laugh, TV and exercise time are out of the window. It is 3 years later when her skin is finally good enough that I started my ‘Caring for Me’ routine – making sure I eat well and within my daily calorie limit, exercising, sleeping and of course, regular dental visit.
18 months have passed since my Caring for Me routine and I have never been fitter in my life. I have muscle tone, good stamina, only my flexibility needs work (anyone offering help on this?). Just as they always say during an emergency in the airplane, take care of yourself first, then your child. I like to think that in life, to be sustainable and happily so, we as parents do have to care for ourselves. Scheduling downtime, making an effort to live healthily can help us to be happier higher energy level and in a way, a better parent. I also think of caring for my health as a way to worship God with my body, to have the strength to do His work.
Bible verse:
Luke 10:27 : And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”
Dear God, I pray that you help us, parents of eczema children or those with family members to take care of with chronic conditions to find time to care for ourselves. I do not want to be tired, stressed or sluggish, but to be a bright cheerful person to encourage and support those around me.
Care for Yourself so that You can Care for Others