Happy New Year everyone and for those of us in Singapore, it’s time for our 4th monthly support group sharing session!
For this session, I’m thinking of sharing about allergy tests where everyone can share your experience on what your child is tested allergic/ not allergic to, and whether he/she has outgrown it.
26 January 2012 (Saturday) – Venue, NSC Room 401, 10am to 11.30am
The program:
1. 10.00 – 10.15 am Introducing Ourselves – Feel free to bring your child, my hubby and my 3 year old girl will be there. We have puzzles, coloring, balloon sculpture to keep your little ones occupied.
2. 10.15 – 11.15am We will share our experiences of allergy tests, and I think it’d be interesting because we know that allergy testing is not 100% accurate, so what are the advice from your doctors after the allergy tests? Do you subsequently introduce an ‘allergen food’ and find that your child can eat it without any reaction? Let’s share on Saturday, 26th!
Same note: No doctor present, so don’t expect to ‘Ask the Doc’. Information shared is not medical advice, please still see a doc. No selling anything or pretending to be a parent of eczema child. Information on my blog is not pre-approved by NSC.
3. 11.15-11.30am – Light refreshments while we roam freely in the room to catch up with one another. Plus collect your giveaway: Parenting Tips on Living with Patients with Atopic Dermatitis booklet.
4. YOU MUST RSVP – Our medical social worker who is helping with the Eczema Support Group will be in-charge of confirming your attendance, which isn’t confirmed till she says so! If you’re coming, please email me ([email protected]) your name, mobile and email, number of adults & kids coming, so that I can get her to contact you.
Look forward to seeing everyone!