I’ve always been passionate about helping children with eczema, particularly those from low income families. For the low income, they may not be active online and thus, may not benefit from my blog, my children book or my support group mailing group. Thus, I’ve specially designed 2012 calendars for distribution in hospitals and also make sure that I’m available to meet every two months at convenient and inexpensive locations. NOW, finally, the eczema fund has started and can directly help the low income with their eczema treatment!
FAQ on Eczema Financial Assistance Scheme
1. How did it get started?
There’s no eczema fund in Singapore and in July 2011, I got to know Dr Liew, President of Asthma Association (AA), through Chris who’s running a blog for parents with allergy kids. I indicated to Dr Liew that I’d like to subsidize the cost of moisturizers for low income children with eczema but I haven’t found a suitable organization to administer the money. The AA is founded in 1993 by doctors and has in place a fund to help low income asthma patients. Dr Liew sought approval from the executive committee and got approval in September 2011 for the go-ahead of the eczema fund.
2. How can it help Eczema patients?
The fund will subsidize treatment for low income eczema patients, and is currently extended to include adults. From January 2012, patients who are Singapore citizen/permanent resident with eczema (only) confirmed by dermatologist can work with the hospital’s medical social worker to apply for the fund. The patient must be seeking treatment at public hospitals and has explored government medical assistance schemes before applying for the fund.
The fund can help subsidize the cost of treatment that includes topical creams and moisturizers. I imagine this will be a great relief for low income, particularly when moisturizers are not cheap (and not paid for by government). Whenever I think of a child who itches so much, scratches so much yet unable to get the treatment he/she needs, my heart aches. Morevoer, if the parent is uneducated, it’s unlikely to know that the child is really suffering and not scratching cos naughty.
3. When does it start?
It already started! I’ve donated the seed money for the fund and anyone interested to do so can email cheque to:
“Asthma and Allergy Association” (also payable to)
14 Robinson Road
# 13-00 Far East Finance Building
Singapore 048545
Indicate Eczema Fund at back of cheque, as the association has another fund for asthma.
If you’ve done so, will you drop a comment here so that I’ll know or email me at mommarcie[at]gmail.com; a BIG THANK YOU from Marcie & me!
14 replies on “First Eczema Fund in Singapore”
Blaire, so sorry to hear of your sister and your condition, the below is how you can get the fund:
“Patients who are Singapore citizen/permanent resident with eczema (only) confirmed by dermatologist can work with the hospital’s medical social worker to apply for the fund. The patient must be seeking treatment at public hospitals and has explored government medical assistance schemes before applying for the fund.”
Are you already seeing doctors in hospitals? The fund is administered by the Allergy Asthma Association and I understand they will review applications for the funds when referred by medical social worker in hospital. It is then disbursed through the hospitals as reimbursement for the treatment costs. It is not directly given as cash to individuals.
Hi Mei,
How can I be under the Fincancial Assistance Scheme? My younger sister (5years old) and I have been suffering from Ezcema ever since we were born. My sister’s condition is worse than me. It hurts me to see her crying and shouting in the middle of the night because it’s too itchy for her to bear. And she doesn’t really like to bathe because it hurts badly due to the wounds. And there are a lot of scars on her.
The medicine is too expensive for us, considering as a lower income family. How do I get the both of us, or at least her to be part of the financial assistance scheme? Your help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
Hi, I am an dependent researcher who has developed a natural cream to curb the itch and better allow the person to sleep through the night. I have aided many eczema sufferers and If pains me to hear whats happening, I hope I am able to help you even if your message is 5 years ago. My name is Terence and my HP number is 87198418.
Thanks for the kind-hearted people who setup this fund to eliminate the scourge of eczema in Singapore and in Southeast Asia as a whole. It’s kinda a first step towards giving positive treatment to those who are afflicted by this skin disease.
For the eczema fund, it’s expected that the fund will be well-utlized according to Dr Liew.
Thank You to Naddie and Chris for feeling passionate about this eczema fund and helping out! I’m letting Dr Liew know that many people globally more supportive!
Well done, you really get things going, I will send you 10% of my January sales to help out. Will let you know how much at end of month.
My son suffers from eczema and the moisturisers and special liquid soaps that i need to use do not come cheap at all. I am more than happy to donate to such a cause. Thank you for starting this, i will be writing a cheque in soon.
Congrats! This is great news!
[…] Re: baby eczema Like to update all Singapore parents with eczema children – there's now an eczema fund for low income families, do check out the link below and if you feel for it, do donate to the fund. My seed donation may not last that long if the response is overwhelming, so appreciate those who can afford to also help those in need – imagine your child living without moisturizers! First Eczema Fund in Singapore | Eczema Blues […]
Thanks so much, I find it amazing too! Was wondering how to find low income families and then suddenly, the fund is in place!
That is so fabulous! Hooray for you for doing something so BIG and so amazing 🙂
Thanks so much! I really hope the fund can help low income eczema families, imagine not having money to buy moisturizers!
Wow, congratulations, Mei, you have a good heart and you follow through on your plans. I wish your fund every success.