This is a cartoon, not a depiction of real-life by the way, and I wouldn’t know what my girl is thinking about boys.
This is the 10th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.
This is a cartoon, not a depiction of real-life by the way, and I wouldn’t know what my girl is thinking about boys.
This is the 10th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.
Ever wondered what our focus on foods, health, allergic diseases will impact our babies?
This is the 9th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.
I’m away, but not on break.. work work work. I could have drawn up a cartoon for Life of Eczema Girl and scheduled it, but no, I’m thinking since I’m not having a break, I might as well take one off Monday cartoon!
It got me thinking though, not only am I away but not on holiday break, I’m also having to worry about dozens of stuff which tell me if you think the same!
Thoughts on Toddler:
1. What can I do to pre-pack her school bag? What about her show-and-tell? And the lantern and mooncake she has to bring for Mid-Autumn Festival? (for those of you not familiar, check this Chinese’s festival out!)
2. What about her eczema… not much I can do but I’m sure my hubby is more than competent to deal with any flare-up, and good luck to the co-sleeping!
Thoughts on Hubby:
1. His dinner, lunch, dinner, lunch… my latest ‘act of love’ is to prep lunch for my hubby, on top of cooking daily!
Thoughts on Chores:
1. Wash clothes now, get ready school uniforms, heck with the cleaning
Thoughts on You: Anyone miss me? Hope so, won’t be gone for long though, just long enough to take a Monday cartoon break.
See the 7th cartoon and you’ll see why the baby eczema girl is already thinking of the kind of mom she wants to be! This is another cartoon that is inspired by Liza Donnelly’s book – see my right side banner of her fab cartoon book!
Oops, experiencing technical failure, check back next week for the 8th ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’ cartoon series.
Self-explanatory cartoon and for those of us who clean and clean, we need to Stop. Check out this post on dust mite, if there’s no allergy, just regular cleaning will do, show our face to our babies 🙂
This is the 7th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.
I don’t know about you, but I struggled so much with milk feeding – from (my own lack of) breast milk, to switching from normal to partially hydrolysed milk, to reflux, to changing milk bottles, gosh… thinking back it’s NIGHTMARISH.
I do think if I’d to start over, one change I’d make is forget about scheduled feeding, my baby and I just need to sleep. Also, later I read it’s better to feed as and when the baby is hungry, but who knows the right way, just take heart that this phase will pass!
The lead eczema girl from last week is at the top left of this cartoon, and fyi, 20% of children have eczema, those who have (I suppose) have a darker world, hotter, crankier…well, we all have to go through life no matter what, we’ll see how it works out for our little eczema girl.
This is the 6th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.
Half a year or so ago (who’s counting when you read cartoons), I came across the cartoon book ‘When do they Serve the Wine?‘, by New Yorker cartoonist Liza Donnelly. I instantly fell in love with it. This cartoon is inspired by Liza’s cartoon, where she drew about the baby boys being on one side and the baby girls on the other.
The lead eczema girl from last week is at the top left of this cartoon, and fyi, 20% of children have eczema, those who have (I suppose) have a darker world, hotter, crankier…well, we all have to go through life no matter what, we’ll see how it works out for our little eczema girl.
This is the 5th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. For more cartoon in this series, check out here.
This is the 4th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. Every newborn baby is swaddled, and I always wonder if my baby had felt hot. And yes, either my swaddling technique is lousy or she squirms so much, the swaddle is usually a mess! For more cartoon in this series, check out here.
This is the third of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. Wonder if any of your child with eczema also has a strong grip? For more cartoon in this series, check out here.
This is the second of my 2nd cartoon series, and I’m calling it ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. I remembered when I was pregnant, there was a lot of kicking, I meant REALLY KICK! Just wondering if it’s hot in the womb and my daughter already started itching! Any one knows? lol
For the 1st cartoon in this series, have a laugh here!
Luke 12:6-7 “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
This is the first of my new (second) eczema cartoon series – about the life of a girl with eczema. I haven’t decided what to call this series, any thoughts?
But I do KNOW that from the very beginning, eczema is partly due to the defective skin barrier, that one is born with. Why the bible? God knows even the hairs on our head, He would know that my child and yours have eczema. I, like many of you, struggled emotionally and spiritually during those tiring times of taking care of a baby with eczema. I can never say that I’m glad my child has eczema, but I can say I’m very blessed to be a blessing to all of you who are reading my blog.
Give my ideas for next week’s cartoon, will you?
As you know my cartoon series ‘101 things that Moms with Eczema Child do Differently‘ has come to a finale this Monday (after running for 2 years!), and I’ve organized a Pinterest contest for some fun for my readers! EIGHT people put in their contest boards, and the selected winner is
Marissa Adams, with her EczemaBlues Cartoon board
Marissa is a mom of eczema child, whose son started having eczema around 4 months. View her board and see how many parents have shared experience and the cartoons do tell it all.
It was a close contest with Ace the Journey’s board and also my deepest gratitude to Selena, Pucci Laveau, Christine, Tasha, Elizabeth, Tiffany and Connie for your support. Many of you bring joy and friendship to me everyday on Twitter.
So Marissa has won US$25 cash, and what’s happening next on Monday? It will be an inspirational cartoon series of Where it All Begin!
This 101 series is OVER. Will this ECZEMA FAMILY Break? Suspense: for the next series Where it all Begin
Don’t forget to join the US$25 Cash (Paypal money) Pinterest contest to celebrate the finale series of this 101 cartoons! Contest ending TODAY!
Their eyes hurt from lack of sleep
Their ears ache from being forced to constantly listen out for scratching (and our nagging for them to do so!)
Their mouths drain from having to keep saying ‘No Scratching’, as instructed by us!
Their tummies burst from lack of exercise (counting calories may be harder for men, is it? lol)
This is the BEST – their fingers hurt from being scratched or peeled by our eczema toddlers, endorsed by us because better to peel yours than mine! (My girl does love to peel her fingers, and sometimes content herself with peeling her dad’s)
This is the 100th of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
Watch out for next week’s FINALE 101th, it’s a SHOCKER.
Don’t forget to join the US$25 Cash (Paypal money) Pinterest contest to celebrate the finale series of this 101 cartoons! Contest ending 8 July.
This is the 99th of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
Don’t forget to join the US$25 Cash (Paypal money) Pinterest contest to celebrate the finale series of this 101 cartoons! Contest ending 8 July.
No Tea Break = Fatigue
No Coffee Break = Malfunction
No Toilet Break = Constantly thinking ‘I’ve got to Pee’
No Career Break = Sometimes lapsing into depressing self-depreciating thoughts
and oh no Exercise Break? Don’t look below the head (at my body).
This is the 98th of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
Don’t forget to join the US$25 Cash (Paypal money) Pinterest contest to celebrate the finale series of this 101 cartoons! Contest ending 8 July, see here!
Hi! My 101 Things that Mothers with Eczema Child do Differently cartoons are coming to an end, and I thought running a Pinterest contest with US$25 MONEY (from my paypal) would be a neat way to thank you for the support and have some fun!
Steps and Contest Rules
Step 1: Create a board named “EczemaBlues Cartoon” and pin your favorite cartoons from the 101 cartoons, full link here: http://eczemablues.com/category/101-things-that-mothers-with-eczema-child-do-differently/ If you find other cartoons outside of my blog, feel free to pin too! Oh, also, dads can take part too, anyone (with or without eczema) can.
Step 2: Leave a comment in this post with a link to your EczemaBlues Cartoon board (be sure to enter your email address so that I can contact you to redeem the prize) If you can’t manage to get the comment through (it’ll be moderated, so check back within a day), tweet me (@marciemom) to let me know.
The contest ends on 8 July (whichever time zone you’re in), judging will start from 9 July and the winner be announced in this blog on 11 July. The winner will get USD25, direct transfer from my paypal to yours! If for whatever reason the paypal transfer couldn’t get through, I’d use the US$25 to purchase something you want (including delivery charge) from a site that accepts paypal.
Something for Everyone: If you’ve taken part in this contest and like to have an electronic version of my A to Z Animals are not Scratching! book (selling at US$1.99), please leave a comment asking for the ebook in this post (with your email filled in) so that I can send it to you.
Make my day – while you’re on this site, do subscribe to my email list and newsletter (at top right side banner). I’m not making this part of the contest, cos I know parents are busy, but if you can find the energy to submit your email, I’d be very happy!
Judging: Judging for the Winner will be by Marcie’s Dad, who will decide based on which board tells a compelling story of your family life, few pointers:
1. Name of board must be correct “EczemaBlues Cartoon”
2. Description of board is relevant
3. Sufficient number of pins to tell your family story
4. Description for the pin that tells why that particular pin applies for your family
5. I’m (of course) assuming that you know how to pin. Pin from my website, and NOT save the cartoon to your computer then load it back to pinterest.
For sample board, see mine http://pinterest.com/EczemaBlues/eczemablues-cartoon/
It is amazing isn’t it? I’ve managed to draw 101 cartoons that Moms with Eczema Child do Differently! This last segment is the final season, and aptly terms FINAL BREAKS where the focus is on all sorts of breaks!
The most obvious being – THE LACK OF COFFEE BREAKS!
And I didn’t even think of EXERCISE Breaks, only goes to show how long I haven’t had the chance to do so!
This is the 97th of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.
This is the 96th of my “101 Things that Moms with Eczema Child Do Differently“, a tongue-in-cheek look at the many unique situations that we face. For more cartoons, click here to view.