Marcie is in Kindergarten 1 this year. She has been in preschool for 3 years now, and I do not regret letting go to enroll her in full-day school. She has learnt much in her preschool which provided a disciplined, enriching and fun learning environment, one which I doubt I’d have the resources to provide on my own.
For many parents, especially those with children with allergies and eczema, finding a preschool that you can trust may be difficult, more so if your child has severe anaphylactic reaction to certain allergen (most common is peanuts). Many parents have shared in last year’s managing eczema series on how they manage communication with preschool, such as drawing up a list to take note of, or packing their own food.
Letting go is hard. Having only one child, I do sometimes wonder when she will no longer want to hold my hand, shower or sleep with me! (yes, we are still doing that co-sleeping thingy).
God always watches over us and our children! Moreover, not caring for our child 24/7 can offer some resting and stress relief (even stress at work is not the same stress as looking out for scratching!). I think some time away from my child help me to be more patient with her (and the eczema!).
I pray that all parents with eczema children will be able to find alternative caregiver, even for a few hours per week to enjoy some eczema down-time.
Bible verse:
1 Peter 5:7 : casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
Dear God, I thank You that You have provided such a good preschool that cares for Marcie’s growth, learning and skin. I pray that all parents of eczema children, including infants, are able to find alternative caregiver so that they can rest and recharge to care for their child.
Letting Go of our children can benefit us and them!