This is a post out of the ordinary.
It is a post that I write, after thinking for sometime… I
PAUSE – Because I started to feel I’m blogging for the sake of fulfilling my (heavy & punishing!) commitment of Monday cartoons, Tuesday guest posts, Wednesday blog series and Friday Q&A. It’s punishing because I’m very particular about what goes on my blog – I always read up all I can before I publish my blog post or guest interview.
THINK – For the past 19 months, I have devoted my time to make EczemaBlues.com the place for parents with eczema children to go to. I started this blog in Jan 2011, with a simple purpose – to provide a lighthearted yet comprehensive resource for parents.
I believe I’ve achieved that.
Starting with information posts covering topics I myself like to know more, my blog has expanded over the past year:
Aug 2011 – Started my Monday cartoons of 101 things that Moms with Eczema Child do Differently; already 51 are published.
Sep 2011 – Started my first Wednesday blog series – Causes of Eczema (based on Prof Hugo Van Bever’s review article) and has since worked with Dr Christopher Bridgett on Combined Approach series, Toby Amidor (MS, RD, CDN) on Eczema Kids’ Nutrition, Laura Verallo Rowell Bertotto and her mother, Dr. Vermén Verallo-Rowell on Sensitive Skin Product series.
Nov 2011 – Started my first Friday Doc Q&A with Dr Bridgett, and Prof Hugo Van Bever, Dr Liew Woei Kang and Sue Atkins have also helped in Doctor Q&A.
Mar 2012 – Started my first Tuesday Extra segment with Dr Sears Lean series on Raising Healthy Children.
Along the way, I’ve also started my support group and has been faithfully organizing face to face meeting bi-monthly since Aug 2011. I’ve also initiated the very first eczema fund in Singapore with my donation in Jan 2012. I’ve designed and printed my calendar and book ‘A to Z Animals are not Scratching!’, both personally illustrated for eczema kids. Just two weeks ago, the Eczema Support Group (supported by NSC Health Endowment Fund) had its inaugural event! Phew.. with so much going on…
RE-FOCUS – I feel that with all the information on my blog, it’s a comprehensive & fun resource for parents. While I’d still continue working with experts and doctors, I’m not going to hold myself to Tues, Wed and Fri posts weekly. So, don’t be alarmed if you don’t see a blog post!
Instead, I’d be focusing more time on Eczema Support Group and connecting with other parents in Singapore. Also, I’d find time for my own endeavors – I’ve books to write and to design/illustrate and many more ideas… all put on hold for the past 19 months and now, finally, I’ve decided to focus a little more on myself!
Hope everyone’s supportive!
13 replies on “Pause, Think, Re-Focus – Me & EczemaBlues.com”
Thanks Tristan 🙂 I’ve considered that the blog still remains and still a resource for parents 🙂 It’d be crazy if I start to blog on useless stuff just to keep the blogging going, particularly, if there’s really less to talk about on eczema after I’ve written and collaborated so much already! Thanks!
Mei, What you’ve acheived in a year and a half is phenomenal. That said, I totally support your refocus. Priorities change and support groups are important for people with eczema. Your blog still remains a great reference tool and if you need to cut down or change your schedule, that’s more than fair.
Isn’t it lovely to sit back and take stock of everything that you have accomplished in such a short time? Wow! It’s incredible!
It’s exciting to see where things will go with your upcoming endeavors in writing and illustrating. We must always feed our souls and listen to the quiet, still place in our hearts that whisper (and sometimes shouts) about a new direction, a new way to share ourselves with the world! Lean into it and enjoy!
Wendy @Kidlutions
Thanks Wendy! I’m excited about illustration and learning more graphic design 🙂 Told my hubby that after his busy period, I’m gonna take time to improve my design skills!
I think sometimes when you are caught up in the daily rotation of twitter, blogs, etc. it feels as though the internet is moving a million miles a minute but really when you step away you realize it doesn’t have to feel frantic. Just participate in what feels like it enhances your life and your family’s life. You’re doing this all for free, after all! And I’ve found focusing on in-person support is really reinvigorating. I love my online connections but sometimes being able to share a cup of tea with someone that understands what you’re going through is a chance to center yourself. Best of luck!
Thanks Homa, I’m looking forward to meeting some other parents in Singapore, and hopefully, forming a playdate 🙂 Given that Marcie is very likely going to be an only child!
Hi Mei, your blog is a very resourceful blog so you don’t have to feel obliged that you have to blog so often. I find that it will take the joy out of blogging if I have to keep following a schedule, unless it’s my Motivational Monday that I’m hosting. Great that you’re re-focusing 🙂
Thanks Susan – you’re right, it’s important to maintain joy in what we do 😉
Amazing accomplishments Mei! *envy* We all need to re-focus sometimes. Thanks for all your support. We’ll still be here when you need us 🙂
Thanks! Always warming to my heart when there are supportive friends on social media!
It is great to see the ‘herstory’ of all you have done! I support your need to re-focus. I know what it is like to feel passionate about cause and a desire to help but it is so important to recharge your own batteries. I have been doing some serious recharging of my own lately!
I look forward to reading your up coming book!
Warm regards, Julie
Thanks Julie! Today I just got a happy news – Marcie’s preschool buying my A to Z Animals not Scratching! book 🙂 Hurray!
Mei, you have achieved so much in so little time, I hope you are very proud of yourself! Thanks for your continued support of my work, it really means a lot.