And the back of postcard further encourages the child not to scratch

I hope my 2012 postcard calendar turns out as nice as the original file created in Adobe Illustrator; 2000 copies have been printed, collected from printer and look amazing!but I haven’t checked nor collected them from the printer They will be given free to I CAN!, the first asthma and allergy management program in Singapore. Since I CAN! is unlikely to need so many copies, I’ll be giving the rest free. Problem is the postage if you’re not in Singapore, it can add up to a lot, so I’ve to figure out a way for you to refund me postage and cost of refunding, e.g. for paypal transaction fees.
Apart from postage & paypal fees, I’ll be happy to send you the postcard as it is, or write a message to you, sent from Singapore to your home. Marcie can’t write to you yet, she’s only started to draw a squiggly circle. Just leave a comment on this page and I’ll get back to you. Also thanks to @eczemasupport for the retweet.
Update on 3 Jan 2012 – 1,030 calendars given to eczema kids via Singapore hospitals mainly (NSC, NUH, KK) and Singapore pediatricians (SBCC) and my ever friendly GP (Icon). 1,000 remaining, email/leave a comment to get from me, Happy New Year!
Update on 18 Jan 2012 – 1,330 calendars given to eczema kids, 700 remaining!
Update on 22 Feb 2012 – 1,530 calendars given to eczema kids, 500 remaining! Latest batch of 200 calendars flown to Scotland to Eczema Outreach (Scotland), set up in 2011 by the mother of a young girl with severe eczema to improve the quality of life of people affected by eczema, their families and carers in Scotland. See my calendars in their welcome packs!
4 replies on “2012 Calendar”
So “awhhh”-dorable!
Ok, thanks! Tristan will love this. I’ll email you.
Great! For you, I’ll send you free; you got to email me your address and whether you want the blank postcard in envelope or want me to write your address, Tristan’s name on the postcard and send it so that you’ll have a singapore stamp on the postcard! And also if u want me to write a message on the postcard or just leave it blank so that u can keep the postcard like a collector’s item! LOL
Tristan would love one! So cute!