Last Saturday I was invited by Bayer Healthcare to speak at the BabyCare Festival 2014, a national baby expo held in Singapore. As Bayer was introducing their nappy barrier ointment Bepanthen to parents, they invited me to share about baby skincare. I delivered a 30-minute info-packed presentation on ‘Caring for Baby’s Skin’ that covered common baby rash, shower, moisturizing, sun protection and washing/use of detergents. These topics will be shared with all of you via video next month on my blog and EczemaBlues youtube channel.
It turned out that I enjoyed the speaking engagement thoroughly and was thinking before my talk that the time spent would be worth it if I can help just one parent to care for their child’s skin (20% of children have eczema, so it may be a 1 in 5 chance that I helped!). I would love to do this more often, and discovered that after so much time learning and writing on this topic, I could speak without looking at the slides (which I didn’t really get to as the speakers were obscuring my view), good that I know the topic inside out.
For those of you who would like to invite me to speak, just drop a comment here or fill in the Contact Me form.