Dr Lynn Chiam shared during the Rise and Shine Expo on ‘All about Children’s Skin’. She consults at Children & Adult Skin Hair Laser Clinic and subspecializes in pediatric skin conditions. She was formerly the head of pediatric dermatology at National Skin Centre, Singapore. She has also shared her expertise on Teen Eczema, Hand Eczema and Facial Eczema.
- Baby Skin Functions
- Common Baby Skin Conditions
- Stress, Sun and Irritants to Baby Skin
- Baby Eczema Skin Functions and Care
Baby Sweaty Hands and Feet
Palmar Hyperhidrosis is the excessive and unpredictable sweating from hands, even when it is not hot or exercising. This is due to overactive sweat glands. Primary hyperhidrosis refers to the excessive sweating from hands, feet and armpits and affect 2-3 percent of population with genes being a factor. Minimally invasive procedure can be carried out but for children, use of antiperspirant or prescriptions containing aluminium chloride.
Children Body Odour
Children may also experience body odour and it is the bacteria and not the sweat that creates the smell. Avoid tight clothing/foot wear and wash clothes thoroughly.
Children Hair Loss
Alopecia Atreata (Hair Loss) is a type of hair loss due to the immune system attacking the hair follicles (auto-immune condition). For most, the hair will grow back and if so, some opt not to treat the condition. Treatments can be topical corticosteroids, injections containing steroids or immunotherapy.
Sun and Baby Skin
The UV rays can cause sun burn, sun spots, wrinkles, enlargement of blood capillaries and even skin cancer. Particularly for children whose skin is thinner and less protected against UV rays, sun protection measures should always be taken. Avoid direct sunlight from 10am to 4pm, wear shades, hats and appropriate clothing. Also bear in mind that the sand and the sea can also reflect the rays, and thus sitting in a shaded area also requires sun protection.
Sunscreens are divided into chemical absorbers and physical reflectors; chemical absorbers absorbs the light and converts them into harmless rays but these are known to trigger more skin irritation than physical reflectors. Physical reflectors reflect the light off the skin. Be sure to put sufficient amount, one teaspoon on the face and to use one at least SPF30.
Stress and Baby Skin
Stress is also known to trigger skin conditions such as eczema and pimples/acne and therefore parents are encouraged to share stress relaxation techniques such as massage and breathing with their children.
Q&A with Dr Lynn Chiam
Dealing with Drool – Dr Lynn answered a question on dealing with the child’s drool and her tip is to use a wet cloth to dap away the saliva, followed by a dry cloth to dap dry and then moisturize immediately.
Air-conditioning – Children with eczema can sleep in air-conditioned room, bearing in mind that there is no ideal environment as too hot can also trigger eczema. A temperature of 24 to 25 deg C is comfortably cool.
Oil as Moisturizer – Dr Lynn pointed out that oil is not as easily absorbed onto the skin as moisturizer, and thus does less to improve the skin barrier function.
Water as Irritant – Dr Lynn explained that eczema skin is like a crumbling brick wall and prolonged washing can weaken the skin barrier function. Therefore good skincare includes a bathing routine that is not in hot water and not longer than ten minutes.
Steroid cream – Dr Lynn explained that steroid potencies range from 1 to 7, 1 being the strongest and 7 the weakest. There is also new generation topical corticosteroids that have less side effects.
Next week, I’m asking questions for eczema children in relation to what Dr Lynn had shared during the Rise and Shine seminar, and as always, grateful to her for reviewing the above.