Guest Interview

Oliva Forte – Could its patented HIDROX, extracted from olives, help your child’s eczema through its anti-inflammatory property? (Cont’d)

CreAgri process olives in a more eco sustainable way and successfully eliminate toxic substances from the waste stream.

This is a continuation of the interview with Mr ManHon Shiew, CEO, CreAgri International on OLIVA Forte. You can read the first part of the interview here and on Mr ManHon here.

MarcieMom: Can you share with us what differentiates Integrale Process from other competitors that also extract polyphenol from olives (who also state the extraction process is solvent-free and chemical-free)?

ManHon:  The patented Integrale Process is different from other methods in several ways. CreAgri is always interested to preserve the integrity of the environment has always made this goal paramount to the company’s philosophy. CreAgri process olives in a more eco sustainable way and successfully eliminate toxic substances from the waste stream. It starts off with organic olives that are grown without use of any chemicals and pesticides.

Integrale focuses on retaining olive polyphenols in their original matrix instead of selectively extracting hydroxytyrosol the most potent molecule of all olive polyphenols.  Unlike other methods, Integrale does not actually “extract” polyphenols.  Any molecular extraction is only possible with the use of solvent. Instead, Integrale relies on the natural process of hydrolysis and incubation (between 6-8 months) to produce a unique olive polyphenol blend that is rich in hydroxytyrosol along with its naturally occurring sibling molecules such as tyrosol and oleuropein. If you care to read the patents of other competitors selling hydroxytyrosol and who claim “solvent-free” extraction process, you will invariably discover that those methods DO employ the use of alcohol solvents such as ethanol and methanol. We have even seen methods that employ industrial chemicals such as sulphuric acid (H2SO4) being promoted as “chemical free”.

This explanation is not complete without also explaining the importance and significance of retaining hydroxytyrosol and other olive polyphenols together in its natural state and balance. CreAgri holds the view that the benefits of natural molecules are most optimal when consumed as close to its natural state. Several studies have been published to show that hydroxytyrosol are more easily absorbed when consumed in a form that includes other polyphenols (Gonzales-Santiago 2010)  and more critically, that hydroxytyrosol if consumed as a single molecule (pure form) could in fact be harmful (Acin 2006). Both studies advocate the consumption of olive polyphenols in their natural form without extraction. The olive oil is a natural state of fatty acids recovered from the olive, whilst HIDROX® is the natural state of water fraction from the olive fruit.  This is the major difference between Integrale and other methods.

Coincidentally, CreAgri’s leadership in thought and polyphenol research was recognized recently by the International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health which accorded the company with the prestigious Paris Polyphenol 2012 award.

Marcie Mom: Also, I noted that formulation of HIDROX® is done at your R&D facility in California. What is unique about HIDROX® formulation (also why is formulation required after the polyphenol is extracted)?

ManHon: Hopefully by now, my explanation about the uniqueness of HIDROX® will help shed some light to this question. Since HIDROX® is a proprietary blend of olive polyphenols and not a standardized molecule, there is a need to ensure that the product meets the specification of formulation previously tested to be clinically efficacious. HIDROX® formulation is the core intellectual property of CreAgri and is kept in house as a matter of policy.  In this way, HIDROX® is always differentiated from other competing products.

MarcieMom: Thanks, it is very good to see a CEO taking the time to explain to its users on the process, instead of giving ‘marketing’ terms. The next post will talk more about the ingredients and consumption for kids.

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