A recent study by researchers at UCLA examined the link between Vitamin B12 and acne, as it had been suggested in numerous studies or published observations of vitamin B12-induced acne. It was observed in the small sample of 10 participants that after taking Vitamin B12, there were higher levels of the vitamin on the skin. This led to a skin bacterium Propionibacterium acnes to produce more porphyrins, a molecule that is pro-inflammatory. The researchers stressed that the take-away from their study was that skin bacteria is a critical part of understanding acne (and the take-away should not be to stop taking vitamin B).
Acne is linked to the increase of oil/sebum on the skin but the development of acne is not entirely lucid. In an interview MarcieMom had with dermatologist Dr Lynn Chiam, Dr Lynn shared her insight on acne and also tips for those suffering from both acne and eczema.
- Acne can be divided into whiteheads or predominantly inflammatory with papules (zits) and pustules (zits filled with pus)
- Large and deep zits can result in permanent scarring
- Acne usually starts during teen years
- Acne can be triggered by increased facial sebum, oily face creams, hormonal changes (pregnancy/ starting or stopping birth control pills/ menstruation), smoking, pollution and high humidity
- Mild acne can be treated with creams containing benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics and tretinoin
- Avoid applying steroid creams (for eczema) on acne as steroid creams can make the acne worse
- Anti-acne cream can cause skin dryness, so avoid applying over eczema skin
The key objectives of acne treatment is to heal the pimples, stop new ones and prevent scarring.

Tips for Acne-Prone Skincare
- Clean away excess oil from the face and wash using gentle (non-soap) cleanser
- Do not scrub the acne or squeeze, pinch, or pick the pimples as that increases the risk of scars or dark spots
- Shave carefully – never dry shave or use a blunt blade
- Stay out of the sun, if on topical medication
- Choose oil free and noncomedogenic makeup
Do you have a special regime to care for your skin and any particular diet? Share with #SkinishMom in the comments!