It amazes me how women size up each other – I guess everyone give off some vibes from their appearance and mannerism on who they are and hang out with. For me, (have I ever said this?) I wear no make-up and only have one pair of work shoes, cook my own food and do my own chores. I don’t hang around much with friends who are very different from that. Yet, I suppose another thread that can bind moms together is discussing the problems that they face being a mom, and nothing beats finding another mom who understands about caring for a child’s eczema. This sense of solidarity and for those who don’t know what it means – it’s defined as union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, as between members of a group or between classes, peoples. And it’s true isn’t it? We like to talk and share with those we know understand what we go through.
This reminds me of Jesus. He is the son of God and very well can be God from the heavens without coming to earth. When I was deciding whether to be a Christian, I used to think that it’s stupid of him. Why bother with all this? Everything is known – get the good guys to heaven and period, minus the drama. When I understood God’s love and his pursuit of us from Adam and Eve time, I see why Jesus was on earth so we can know Him and understand that He understands. And He came for everyone. I pray that all parents of eczema children will find Someone, or someone to share this journey with you and if I can do anything to help be there for you via my blog and support group, let me know.
Bible verse:
1 Corinthians 12: 13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.
We are all part of a community.
2 replies on “Mom-E-votional : Solidarity”
Have you tried an epsom salt bath for eczema?
No Melissa, did it work for you/your child? For me, we use colloidal oatmeal but my child’s eczema improved, so have not been soaking in bath for some time, just normal shower 🙂
Have a good weekend!