It is not uncommon for eczema on a child’s skin to get infected, in fact untreated eczema coupled with scratching can get infected easily. Particularly on eczema skin, bacteria colonization is common and staph bacteria, in particular, can lead to skin inflammation and renders less effective the treatment for your child’s skin. There are cases of severe infection, whereby it affects more than just the skin, but also leads to systematic infection causing low blood pressure or toxic shock syndrome.
This reminded me how easy it is not just for infection to spread, but also resentment and negativity. Given a chronic condition that is stressful to manage, there are many possible avenues for negativity to creep in. For instance, anger with spouse for not fully understanding the fatigue and care required for eczema child, or resentment over comments that insinuated you causing the eczema. Or it could simply be stressful parents, cranky eczema child and alternate caregivers all caught in 24/7 stress that leads to miscommunication and misunderstandings that linger and fester. Do read Psalm 55 for encouragement, and this bible verse may be comforting to you:
Bible verse:
Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.
Dear God, help us to be mindful of negative feelings in our heart. Blow them to the winds and take them far away. Help us to be joyful parents, forgiving others and be a blessing to our child, family and community.
Watch over Your Heart with all diligence