Jennifer Roberge, who has a child with eczema, shares why she decided to set up an online store EczemaCompany.com. Her online store offering products for children with eczema has recently launched, with products such as clothing from Kumfy Cotton and ScratchMeNot, creams, soaps and bath oils.
Marcie Mom: Jennifer, it’s so good to see an entrepreneur mom, particularly when the business will help children with eczema. What gave you the idea to start EczemaCompany.com?
Jennifer: My son Tristan was diagnosed with eczema at three months old and it was progressively getting worse over the years (he’s now three years old). I was desperate to find anything and everything that would help to relieve his suffering, calm the itchiness, or prevent the horrible scratching that would keep our whole family up at night. We spent a lot of money and searched companies all over the world to discover the best natural products for him. It was very costly and time consuming finding the right products from so many different sources, so my idea was to gather our favorites and make them available in one online store for other families like us.
Marcie Mom: How do you think your products can help other parents with eczema children? Have they worked for your child?
Jennifer: I have chosen the products you’ll see on the website because either we use them on our son or we know other parents who have used them, both with great results. My son does not take a nap or night’s sleep without wearing his ScratchMeNot mittens and Kumfy Cotton clothing (tops with mittens and pants with feet) because without them he would scratch himself horribly. All our creams, oils, and soaps are wonderful products with all natural ingredients that are gentle on delicate irritated skin, but not all of them will work for every child. Therefore, we offer a variety of products so parents can find something that will help their child with their particular case of eczema.
Marcie Mom: How do you find the time to parent two children and run the online store?
Jennifer: Multi-tasking, isn’t that what moms do best?! I’m sure all the mompreneurs will say the same. It’s also finding the right balance of time management and structure. I have the passion to help families living with the daily challenges of eczema, so that’s a big motivator for me. We do plan to keep to our regular family time though – dinner together, weekends biking or going to the park. Family is incredibly important, so our time together will remain a priority in our lives.
Marcie Mom: Thanks Jennifer, all the best for your online store.
p.s. To readers of eczemablues.com, I did not receive any money from Jennifer or EczemaCompany.com for this interview.
One reply on “Mom with Eczema Child sets up Online Store, The Eczema Company”
Luv this Mei! Thank you!