Children’s backpacks seem to be getting heavier, as the amount of school work increases in a day. A too heavy load or a backpack that is worn incorrectly can cause back pain for our children. This is worsened by increased inactivity as children (and us adults) sit more, and usually with a less than ideal posture. The backpack should not be more than 10% to 15% of the child’s weight.
What happens when a load is too heavy? A child has to COMPENSATE by bending forward or arching which compresses the spine unnaturally. This reminds me of when parents carry too heavy a load – a ‘backpack’ of responsibilities such as childcare, chores, meals, schoolwork, work and caring for aged parents. Something may give way to such a heavy load, be it health, spiritual growth or relationships. Like dealing with a heavy backpack, we can lighten the load and adopt a more sustainable model to manage our responsibilities.
Bible verse:
Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Dear God, I pray for all parents to have a load that we can bear, and a support system to bear the load together. I pray for rest for those of us who need it, and to find that rest in You.
Wear the Right Load, Right.
Photo Credit: A. Galassi via Compfight cc