Eczema Devotional

Mom E-votional : WHOLE-Hearted Love

Eczema Devotional for Parents Wholehearted love

Love Wholehearted Mom Parents Kids GodIt’s almost impossible to give something our undivided attention these days – our many commitments, responsibilities, roles and our devices seem to pull us in all direction. What about undivided love? Sometimes I find it a mystery for those who have more than one child, is it possible to give undivided love to both? Even between an eczema child and a spouse, can love be undivided?

Yet, as a Christian, I am to love God wholeheartedly. I find it hard as well – in theory, loving God will translate to loving everyone, one another. IRL (in real life), I’m not sure how it works – for me, I have lists of to-dos which I strike off to make sure I’ve somehow loved everyone I care about in my life, but that’s an effort in itself!

Bible verse:

Jeremiah 29: 13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

Lord, help me to be wholehearted in loving the people around me.

How do I love everyone I care about? How do I love without selfishness?

How do I love without resentment and balancing scales?

Help us parents of eczema kids to love, it’s So Important to get this right in life!

Love Wholeheartedly

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