I never read a breastfeeding book before? Anyone?
For more cartoons on Kate and Mark, see here.
I always wonder, does every mom really WILL HAVE ENOUGH MILK? For more cartoons on Kate and Mark, see here.
I totally empathize with this one.
Don’t say there isn’t enough place to store your breast milk in front of Mommy Kate. For more cartoons on Kate and Mark, see here.
Fair? You think? Baby Kayla is bringing lots of changes to this household. For more cartoons on Kate and Mark, see here.
Already sleepless for the couple Kate and Mark, before baby Kayla is diagnosed with eczema. How long can they last? For more cartoons on Kate and Mark, see here.
Want to know from Baby Kayla’s perspective?
And here’s what the whole nursery of babies are talking!
Above 2 cartoons are from Life of Eczema Girl cartoon series, here and here.
It’s so non-magical to realize that your baby’s time of birth is all dependent on your gynecologist’s lunch break. For more cartoons on Kate and Mark, see here.
Can you really blame Daddy Mark for being so so in awe of his baby’s cuteness? For more cartoons on Kate and Mark, see here.
Anyone made the same mistake? After all, you can’t blame Daddy Mark for getting it wrong, how can you differentiate your baby’s cries when it’s the first time hearing it? For more cartoons on Kate and Mark, see here.
Oh, I pity Mark getting sent off the delivery room! I guess Mommy Kate is entitled to some peace awaiting baby’s first moment in life. You think? For more cartoons on Kate and Mark, see here.
lol I guess those two moms in the background are not first-timers. Sometimes we forget that women give birth all the time but yet, it feels like a new thing when it’s your first! For more cartoons on Kate and Mark, see here.
Starting off 2015 with labor pains for Kate! Sympathizing with Kate? How will Mark handle the baby delivery process? For all cartoons from this series, click here.
Actually, I really did google that and all of the links were related to how not to date your best friend or how to tell a guy you don’t like him. Maybe someone should write how do you tell your BFF you don’t want that date!
Who’s rooting for Chloe to give Mark’s mate/colleague a chance. Btw his name is Chase – no pun intended. For their last date, see here!
Also before I forget, Happy New Year to all of you! May everyone find somewhere they like to be on New Year Eve and the answer to the question (how to blow off your new year date) – just say that you’re allergic to new year eve!
Is Kate really too self-absorbed? See her baby kicking tracker app! and is she risking alienating even her BFF? Next week for New Year Eve’s cartoon!
Mark (the hubby’s name) really suffered, didn’t he? See his ordeal here and here!
For all cartoons in this series, see Mom Sleep Cartoon.
Check back last week’s cartoon to see why this ‘expecting’ dad is so tired!
Anyone’s husband like to Do things to help? Share your funnies with me!
For all cartoons in this series, see Mom Sleep Cartoon.
Send me your funnies (ideas) of baby’s kicking! For all cartoons in this series, see Mom Sleep Cartoon.
To figure out if this psychiatrist has the right insight, see last week’s cartoon.
Do let me know if you have any funny story on how your pregnancy! For all the cartoon in this series, look up this ‘Mom Sleep Cartoon‘ Category.