This month, Kate’s figuring out creative ways to get those Zzz. For more Mom NeedyZz cartoon, see here.
This month, Kate’s figuring out creative ways to get those Zzz. For more Mom NeedyZz cartoon, see here.
Last 2 months were all about what happened to Kate when she didn’t get enough sleep. This month, she’s figuring out creative ways to get those Zzz. For more Mom NeedyZz cartoon, see here.
Seriously sleep deprivation affects judgment and interestingly, studies showed that we judged poorly on the fact that we are sleep deprived! (ie we don’t even KNOW we need more sleep!) Next week, all the past two months of sleep deprivation is heading towards a breakdown. For more Mom NeedyZz cartoon, see here.
Last week, Kate realized she put on weight (from lack of sleep!). And now this discovery of clothes no longer fitting.. what’s going to happen to her? For more Mom NeedyZz cartoons, see here.
Moms with eczema kids get less sleep simply cos our kids don’t sleep well. For tips on helping your child sleep better, see this post. Apart from the sake of our sanity, sleeping well has the benefit of avoiding weight gain (from the loss of sleep!). When you are awake, you may tend to reach for snacks. Came across a blog post on weight loss when sleeping here, and from WebMD,
The two hormones that are key in this process are ghrelin and leptin. “Ghrelin is the ‘go’ hormone that tells you when to eat, and when you are sleep-deprived, you have more ghrelin,” Breus says. “Leptin is the hormone that tells you to stop eating, and when you are sleep deprived, you have less leptin.”
More ghrelin plus less leptin equals weight gain.
“You are eating more, plus your metabolism is slower when you are sleep-deprived,” Breus says.
What’s your experience? Weight gain or loss while caring for your eczema child? Share in the comments! For more Mom NeedyZz cartoons, see here.
From WebMD, it’s stated that “In 2009, American and French researchers determined that brain events called “sharp wave ripples” are responsible for consolidating memory. The ripples also transfer learned information from the hippocampus to the neocortex of the brain, where long-term memories are stored.” Don’t forget that you haven’t had a good night’s sleep and go sleep now! For more of Mom NeedyZz cartoons > here!
Chronic sleep loss leads to more stress hormone cortisol, which breaks down skin collagen, making your skin looks dull and dark circles under your eyes. Beauty sleep anyone? For more of Mom NeedyZz cartoons > here!
Sleep deprivation is associated with depression – it’s not sure though which causes which, but they go hand in hand! Anyone feel emotional and depressed when lack of sleep? For more of Mom NeedyZz cartoons > here!
Lack of sleep impairs attention, concentration, reasoning and problem solving. For more of Mom NeedyZz cartoons > here!
It’s no kidding – sleep deprivation is linked to road accidents, job injuries and who knows what will happen to a sleep-deprived mom alone at home? For more of Mom NeedyZz cartoons > here!
I’ve been through that – just never actually dressed up to give myself the pep talk lol! Share your self-motivational tips in any of the Mom NeedyZz cartoons here.
Last week, Kate was really struggling with asking for help and connecting with spouse Mark. Similar experience, anyone? Sometimes, it’s hard to ask for help.. just simply hard to even think how to ask when the day of taking care of a newborn is so energy sapping. Share your journey in any of the Mom NeedyZz cartoons here.
I confessed – I did do it all even though it was very tough in the first year of taking care of my daughter with eczema – cooking 3 dishes and a soup and cleaning the house. Share your mom’s journey and what’s on your plate in any of the Mom NeedyZz cartoons here.
Share your mom’s journey and coping mechanism for the things to do in any of the Mom NeedyZz cartoons here.
I guess depends on whose side you’re on! Follow this breastfeeding cartoon series here.
Mark is consulting his colleague for breastfeeding advice… Wrong move. Follow this breastfeeding cartoon series here.
The past few weeks have really taken a toil on Kate. I totally totally know what she’s going through. For more cartoons on Kate and Mark, see here.