This is the 4th of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. Every newborn baby is swaddled, and I always wonder if my baby had felt hot. And yes, either my swaddling technique is lousy or she squirms so much, the swaddle is usually a mess! For more cartoon in this series, check out here.
My daughter was born fairly heavy, and had a very strong grip! Whose eczema child also have a strong grip?
This is the third of my 2nd cartoon series, ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. Wonder if any of your child with eczema also has a strong grip? For more cartoon in this series, check out here.
This is the second of my 2nd cartoon series, and I’m calling it ‘LIFE OF AN ECZEMA GIRL’. I remembered when I was pregnant, there was a lot of kicking, I meant REALLY KICK! Just wondering if it’s hot in the womb and my daughter already started itching! Any one knows? lol
For the 1st cartoon in this series, have a laugh here!
Luke 12:6-7 “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
SERIOUSLY? The sperm with the eczema gene?
This is the first of my new (second) eczema cartoon series – about the life of a girl with eczema. I haven’t decided what to call this series, any thoughts?
But I do KNOW that from the very beginning, eczema is partly due to the defective skin barrier, that one is born with. Why the bible? God knows even the hairs on our head, He would know that my child and yours have eczema. I, like many of you, struggled emotionally and spiritually during those tiring times of taking care of a baby with eczema. I can never say that I’m glad my child has eczema, but I can say I’m very blessed to be a blessing to all of you who are reading my blog.