Mom Sleep Cartoon

Mom NeedyZz Cartoon – Which One is Your Baby?

Eczema Babies don't Sleep Well

Want to know from Baby Kayla’s perspective?

Do a Swaddled Eczema Baby feel HOT?
Does a Swaddled Eczema Baby feel HOT?

And here’s what the whole nursery of babies are talking!

Newborn Eczema Babies room - Inspired by New Yorker Cartoonist Liza Donnelly, from her book 'When do they Serve the Wine?'
Newborn Eczema Babies room – Inspired by New Yorker Cartoonist Liza Donnelly, from her book ‘When do they Serve the Wine?’

Above 2 cartoons are from Life of Eczema Girl cartoon series, here and here.

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